Sondos Real Estate activities go back to many years of experience in the city of Riyadh, in the western region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The diversification strategy followed by the group focused on the real estate development and housing services sector, which led to the establishment of “Sondos Real Estate Company” to develop and manage all residential and commercial properties. Sundos Real Estate Company manages distinguished properties in highly selected locations in the cities of Riyadh and Jeddah..

about us

Our diversified approach to real estate development and housing services has resulted in... "Sondos Real Estate Company" Which manages prime real estate in Riyadh and Jeddah.


To become the leading provider of unique real estate development concepts and residential, commercial and mixed-use solutions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

the goal

Identify unique real estate development and investment opportunities that address gaps in the Saudi commercial, residential and mixed-use real estate markets and provide unique lifestyle solutions.


Sondos Real Estate prides itself on its integrity and excellence, being results-oriented and solutions-oriented, and has a strong culture to unleash the potential of its investments and its young and growing team..

CEO Message

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has enjoyed a huge real estate market from a long time until today for all types of levels of investors. At Sondos Real Estate, we are the first companies to define our direction and provide real estate solutions that meet all investor requests.

Our ambition is to provide and benefit from all types of real estate solutions that are convenient and beneficial to all levels of investors and buyers and manage their needs.

Sondos Real Estate is a member of Al-Modon Al-Arabi Holding Company

Sondos Real Estate is part of Al-Modon Al-Arabi Holding Company. We have grown our reputation through the creation of partnerships, joint ventures and subsidiaries , Today we maintain a growing portfolio of companies in various sectors.

Covered area (M2)
Number of projects
There is no coffee


By collaborating with valued partners, we build synergies that amplify our vision, and foster innovation and excellence in every endeavor..